Published by Corey Dawson on

“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now.  And instead of calling it work, realise it’s play” – Alan Watts

How many times a day do you ask yourself; “What am I doing with my life?”…

  • If your answer is every day, then why aren’t you listening to yourself?
  • If your answer is every hour of every day, you’re human, but why haven’t you acted on it?
  • If your answer is never, you’re either lying to yourself, or you must be dead…

Let’s face it, and this page is all about facing every aspect of our lives, we have all wondered if we’re doing the right career.  There is no shame if you’re at a time with your life when you have to work many hours a day, or night, in a job you have no passion for nor a desire to progress with.  That’s life.  There are no rules, but the amount of time you spend in that job, that is up to you.  You continue to choose that job, every day.  If you think you don’t, you wouldn’t be in that job, and you know it.  It’s like I said, there is no shame in that, and many of us have been there.  What’s important is that you don’t worry about where you will be in 5 or 10 years times, re-read what Alan Watts said above, engage with the here and now!  You can change your life as quickly, or as slowly as you want, that is one of our basic freedoms the universe has given us.  I want you to understand that by focusing on what is happening now will help to remove your fears about the future, and you will feel freer to live your life how you want it.

Mr. Watts will take it from here…

Credit: Tragedy & Hope