About Me / Story of Mindset for Motivation…

I want to start this page slightly differently because I need to address this first before I start talking about myself and my story.
To you, the reader, I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank-you.  
I really appreciate that you’re taking the time to explore my website.  The time you spend with me matters more than anything else, because I understand that your time is the most valuable gift you could offer.
❗This page is all about why Mindset for Motivation was born, specifically my blog.  If you want to find out about my consultancy, click here.


Let’s get started…
I will take this opportunity to introduce myself, explain my story so far, and begin to lay the foundations to build a strong relationship with you. 🙂
This is me:








My name is Corey Dawson, founder of Mindset for Motivation, and full-time conversion consultant dedicated to the personal development niche.
I am British, I have lived in England all of my life and super proud to be part of its heritage.
One of my biggest achievements in life was getting my Physics degree from The University of Nottingham.
I am an adult volunteer with the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC), I was a cadet myself at 14-years-old and never left because it’s the greatest organisation in the world to be part of!
One of the greatest privileges I have as a volunteer is watching the development of young people throughout their cadet career, as well as helping them through difficult times in their life.
I’ve always felt that there is so much more to life than society suggests, which is why I got into personal development.
I, therefore, decided to start a blog called Mindset for Motivation in the Summer of 2014…

This is how it looked in 2017 until I changed to the new domain. It’s still active if you’d like to take a look… I couldn’t bring myself to delete it.


What’s in it for you?

Before we go much further…
I want to make sure that this website is right for you.
My blog contains only high-quality content for personal development.  My posts are designed to encourage you to keep going, even when adversity (and life) is trying to put you on your knees and keep you there.
If you’re not committed to being the best possible version of yourself, which isn’t always easy, then I would say this is not the blog for you.
So, seeing as you’re still here that’s AMAZING!
You’ve just committed to yourself! 💪
You’re part of the tens of millions of people around the world that every day are focusing on becoming better than they were yesterday.
It’s important to remember here, that the only person you should focus on being better than, is yourself.
YOU are the most important person in your life, and I 100% respect that.
This is why I am dedicated to giving you the BEST possible chance of achieving your personal goals. No matter what goals you have, what dreams you have for your future, I am confident I can help you in some way.


You’re interested in your own Personal Development, but not sure if this is the right place for you…?

Would you really ask yourself this question?
If so, then I’m going to tell you something that will definitely shock you…
I created my blog for YOU!
Yes! Seriously…
I’ve struggled with relationships, and I have been devastated when my dream careers shattered into pieces before my eyes.
But I never stopped trying.
I realised my dream is to help others achieve their dreams.
I want to use my experience and emotions to help people make sense of their reality.  The techniques I’ve used have driven me to expand my outreach from local, to global.
Now, you’ve made it this far into my ‘about me’ page, and I applaud you for that.  Many people wouldn’t bother.
But you did…
You are interested in personal development because you meet my criteria.
You want to be the ideal version of yourself, perhaps an idol, or a role model to those around you.
Most importantly, you’re willing to invest time into YOURSELF.
That makes you an inspiration to others! Including me. 🙂
So if you know, deep down, that you no longer want to treat yourself like a machine and instead respect yourself as a human being with emotions…then this is the place for you!


You are now 100% committed to your Personal Development, so how can I help you?

I’m glad you asked…
At the beginning of 2017, I decided to (metaphorically) attach a 500bhp engine to Mindset for Motivation to drive it to be BIGGER & BETTER than ever before!
More of that later…
When I started my blog back in 2014, I wanted the chance to give back to the world. I wanted to give people hope when they may not have any themselves.
My mission is to provide the world with the means to carry on through the face of adversity via the power of mindset.
I’ll be honest with you, there’s no ‘schedule’ of what I should and shouldn’t post.
I think it’s more important to write from the heart and talk about what’s happening right now.
Sometimes I’ll post a quote, sometimes it could be an article either written by myself, or from a credible source.
Whatever it is, it’s my story.
It’s what I’m going through at that time.  I don’t like the idea of posting for the sake of posting. I post from the heart, and I think that’s important.

To you, the reader, it gives you an open window to my life for one moment.
That, is a tremendous privilege.
More than that, I want it to mean something to you one day.
It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow.  But one day, when times are tough, all of a sudden something you read on my blog POPS into your head.
It’s happened to me so many times.
Out of nowhere, I think of a quote that I came across at some point, and it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear at that moment.
So when you read through my blog, you see my story.
Then at some point, my story will become your story, and both of us will become connected.  I believe that’s quite powerful, don’t you think?  How we can be connected because of my blog… that’s unbelievable.
Now, back to what I was saying at the start of this section…
At the beginning of 2017, I decided to expand Mindset for Motivation…
For more information on how to find me on social media, and get access to EVEN MORE exclusive content, you will find everything you need to know at the bottom of this page. 🙂
But before you scroll down, I have more to tell you…

Since then, I have been researching how we can begin to understand our ‘true calling’ in life;
Our ideal career, hobbies, relationships, and perhaps most importantly, how we treat ourselves and if we’re making use of the time we get to ourselves.
When no-one else is around, we are not defined by our names or what other people think of us, we are defined by how we spend the time for ourselves.
I believe that we should spend time being ‘selfish’, not against other people or animals, societies or communities, but to spend time during the day focusing only on goals that immediately benefit us.
That’s when I decided to write my first book:

Click on the book to get your FREE Copy Today!

I talk about the 3 secrets that will help discover your true purpose in life…

  1. Finding & Using Your Core Values
  2. Eliminating Limiting Beliefs
  3. Making Conscious Decisions
Today, I have built my own “tribe” of fans, followers and subscribers which exceeded my expectations, all thanks to this book!


My closing thoughts, and how EASY it is to find more content…

I’m here every day to help you FINALLY get past the overwhelm and frustration of being able to get past the negative thoughts and start to change the way you think.
It doesn’t matter if you have struggled all your life, I’m going to turn it upside down
You now have access to even MORE of my content, and the latest trending news from the personal development niche.
Sometimes my content is only provided on one platform so make sure to like/follow them all so you don’t miss out!
If you want to see more exclusive content not found on my blog, you can find me on the following social media platforms:
Facebook: @Mindsetformotivation
Twitter: @Mind4motivation
Instagram: @Mind4motivation (exclusive content to followers)
LinkedIn: /in/coreydawsonm4m/
There are TWO more platforms where you can access more awesome content.
Notifications:  Did you see a box pop up at the top of your screen?  All you have to do is click “Allow” and you will be told whenever I make a new post on my blog!  Simply click the box, and it’ll take you straight to the post.
Newsletters:  Sign up for my newsletters, and I will email you 5-6 times a week with great content and high-quality products.
Now, this is the really cool part…
There are 2 ways you can sign up for my newsletters. Best part is, BOTH methods are completely FREE:
First choice: Click “Allow” on the notifications box, then enter your email address when prompted. Easy.
AWESOME choice: Click this link here, and simply download my FREE e-book that will help you discover your true self and who you are meant to be in this life.  Not only is this method easy, but you get my latest e-book, too!
I can’t wait to see you inside our community! 🙂
Thank-you again for reading through this page, I am so happy that you took time out of your life to read what I have to say.
Now you can start reading, liking, commenting and sharing my content with all your friends and family so they can join our community, too!
I’m so proud of you for making it all the way through, I know you’re committed, I hope you start making positive changes today. You can do it. 🙂
Remember, your motivation gets your going…but it’s your mindset that keeps you going.
Corey Dawson
Founder of ‘Mindset for Motivation’
P.S. If you have any questions for me, or you want to contact me, you can absolutely do so on my social media platforms or email me: corey@mindsetformotivation.org
I’m always looking to improve my services, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.